Links to Sites Concerned with Prime Numbers and Number Theory |
- The Prime Pages This site includes Why is the number one not prime? and The Largest Known Primes (from which we learn that the largest known prime, discovered in 1999, is 26972593-1, which has 2,098,960 digits).
- Why is 1 Not Considered Prime?
- Notes and Literature on Prime Numbers
- Prime numbers
- Matthew Watkins' Inexplicable Secrets of Creation with his surprising connections between prime numbers and physics and an Ulam Spiral page
- Patterns in Primes and More Prime Patterns
- The Prime Puzzles and Problems Connection
- Prime Curios!
- Aesthetics of the Prime Sequence
- Pulchritudinous Primes
- Prime Numbers and Factoring
- Formulae for Primes The paper mentioned therein, by Jones, Sato, Wada and Wiens, is available online by following the links from this page.
- A.M. Selvam: Quantum-like Chaos in Prime Number Distribution and in Turbulent Fluid Flows
- Keith Matthews' Number Theory Web
- GIMPS Home Page (GIMPS = Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search)
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